Lead Rabbit Key Features

Unlock Full AI Potential with Lead Rabbit

Key Features

Books live appointments on Google, Outlook, Apple Calendar, and more!

High-volume calling. Ability to make up to 1,800 calls in 60 seconds to keep your calendar booked.

Multiple Campaigns: Tailored calling campaigns created for reconnecting with previous clients, new Facebook lead follow-up, and more.

Intelligent AI Automation: AI agents are capable of pre-qualifying questions and routing calls automatically to a live agent or automatically scheduled in your calendar

Live call transfer to any number with round-robin rotation for teams

LeadRabbit University - No Other AI Lead Gen Company Offers This Much Robust Support!

Next Generation AI Calling ‘Prompting’ Software - The most sophisticated AI technology utilized to making conversations sound natural and conversational.

Seamless Integration to Most CRMs or Use Ours to Save Even More Money

Call Our AI Digital Assistant Now To Test it Yourself

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our onboarding process typically takes about 20 days (Launchpad Plan) and 45-60 days (Agency Plan) after you initiate your payment. This is your business - we’ll go as fast or slow as you desire and adjust to your speed. The onboarding process looks like this:

    Launchpad Plan (Customized AI Agent):

    Onboarding → Creating Your Customized AI Agent → Creating Your Ultimate Nurturing Sequence → Calling Begins!

    Bonuses! $500 Facebook Marketing to Quickstart Your Lead Flow, Free Tech Audit, Bulletproof Guarantee

    Agency Plan: Our 5-Step Plan for Beginners

    Onboarding → Learning ‘AI 101’ → Branding Your AI Business → Building the $75k/month AI Sales Machine → SmartScaling Your Business for Future Growth.

    Bonuses! Free AI Agent Created to Market your Business, $500 Facebook Marketing to Quickstart Your Lead Flow (limited time), Access to Our Top Performing Ads for Selling AI, AI Sales Coaching and Sales Scripts, Free Tech Audit

  • Absolutely! You can designate up to 5 team members you’d like to receive leads via a round-robin lead distribution. You can also remove and add team members as necessary.

  • We recommend starting with two campaigns to make sure your calling campaigns are fine-tuned. However, we are happy to add additional calling campaigns for multiple calling efforts.

  • There are two plans to accommodate your needs: The Launchpad Plan is $5,000 for a LIFETIME of AI lead generation and our rockstar support. It’s perfect for those who want a powerful, high-volume, appointment setting AI Agent to supercharge their lead generation results. As a bonus, we’ll even provide you with $500 worth of Facebook and Instagram advertising to help fill your calendar fast.

    The second ‘Agency Plan’ is $3,000 per month and created for those people who are ready to get started in the exploding AI business. It also comes with the bonus $500 Facebook and Instagram advertising. This is a perfect ‘business in a box’ solution that adds lifetime, recurring income to your bank account in a field that will outpace all other businesses for many years to come. Both plans have a one-time $500 onboarding fee. Say hello to you new future and contact us today!

  • Our CRM packs a punch and is included in your monthly fee! (Normally priced at $99 month.)

    We utilize the GoHighLevel platform that offers an all-in-one CRM to take your marketing to the next level.

    Features include:

    Lead Capture tools such as landing pages and an inbound phone system.

    Nurturing engine that automatically messages leads via voicemail, calls and texting ensuring no lead is left behind.

    Facebook and Instagram advertising (extra service fee).

    Online appointment scheduling, full featured websites, and beautiful email templates.

    Many more features are included.

  • On February 8th, 2024 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruled that calls made with AI-generated voices are now considered robocalls, and therefore need to abide by robocall calling regulations.

    Wording taken directly from the ruling offers simple guidance: “calls that use this technology to simulate a human voice are illegal, unless callers have obtained prior express consent”.

    We have been following this ruling prior to the ruling so are familiar with the implications.

    Here are the key points:

    1. You can’t call someone unless that person has given you consent to call them with AI. This means you can’t use AI for cold calling.

    2. Unauthorized voice cloning by replicating someone’s voice without their permission, is strictly prohibited.

    Our take is the same as the opinion of Air AI’s company leaders:

    “We applaud this ruling as it was meant to provide consumer protection from fraudsters using AI technology to scam and misinform consumers.

    The ruling did not make AI calling illegal, it established clear guidelines on utilizing this new marketing method. It also further reinforced that legitimate marketing companies should follow the established TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) guidelines to protect consumers from companies who continually abuse the do not call list and don’t comply with consumer and business calling times.”

    There are safeguards we have implemented to ensure our clients observe these laws.

    First, we are a community that helps each other navigate these guidelines. We have provided links below with educational information to help our clients review these calling and texting guidelines to protect themselves from unwanted fines.

    Second, you are accountable for following the FCC ruling when using our software.

    Violations will result in immediate cancelation of our contract with you.

    We are excited about the future of AI marketing. Please join us in using AI calling and texting responsibly to ensure this future remains bright.

    Please reach out to us with any questions.

    Helpful Links:

    AI Calling Guidelines: https://www.air.ai/fcc-outlaws-ai-robocalls

    FCC Declaratory Ruling: https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/FCC-24-17A1.pdf

    Texting Guidelines: https://www.business.com/articles/text-message-laws/

  • Outbound calls are $0.21/minute, however, there are no charges if the call lasts less than one minute. So hang-ups generally aren’t counted.

    On average about 5,000 calls should cost about $50. Compare that with your current 'live' lead gen agent and you'll see that's a large savings!

    Inbound calls are currently $0.32/minute.